Eating Animals
Personal, 2019 – 2020
Anja Bärmann carries a heavy, blood-smeared apron. Before she slaughters the pig, she tips herself on the wide brim of her cowboy hat and speaks a short "prayer", as she calls it. “You had a nice life. Thank you for letting us eat you.” Anja Bärmann loves her animals. But she also kills them.
Between fall of 2019 and summer of 2020 I spent several days at the Bärmann’s farm in the Black Forest in southern Germany. Together with journalist Christoph Wöhrle I witnessed the deaths of two pigs, a duck, a goat and a sheep. As a vegan, the process of abstraction and the ignorance that people eating meat show always baffles me – even more so after seeing how “ethical” meat is being produced. The cruelty of factory farming, inhumane to animals and humans alike, still is a long road from what Anja Bärmann does, though.
Eating Animals
Personal, 2019
Anja Bärmann carries a heavy, blood-smeared apron. Before she slaughters the pig, she tips herself on the wide brim of her cowboy hat and speaks a short "prayer", as she calls it. “You had a nice life. Thank you for letting us eat you.” Anja Bärmann loves her animals. But she also kills them.
Between fall of 2019 and summer of 2020 I spent several days at the Bärmann’s farm in the Black Forest in southern Germany. Together with journalist Christoph Wöhrle I witnessed the deaths of two pigs, a duck, a goat and a sheep. As a vegan, the process of abstraction and the ignorance that people eating meat show always baffles me – even more so after seeing how “ethical” meat is being produced. The cruelty of factory farming, inhumane to animals and humans alike, still is a long road from what Anja Bärmann does, though.
Anja füttert Ziegen und Schafe
Hausschweine hinter Gittern
Bäuerin liebkost ein Pferd
Die Bäuerin hat den Bolzenschussapparat geladen
Schafe und Ziegen im Stall
Fleischerhaken im Schlachtraum
Anja Bärmann auf der Black Horse Ranch
Lea hält zwei junge Ziegen
Lia hilft ihrer Mutter bei der Fütterung